Perinatal Drug Abuse and Neonatal Drug Withdrawal



The use and abuse of addictive drugs has occurred throughout many centuries. Only recently have certain drugs under question become defined as "illicit." Many pregnant women use such medications without prior consideration to the adverse effects of these substances on their unborn children. The effects of chemicals, such as opiates, cocaine, nicotine, alcohol, and new recreational drugs, on fetal development have been seriously studied only in the last 30 years.

The difficulty in evaluating research in this area is enormous. Clear methods for differentiating drug use from drug abuse are not established. The question of whether the mere presence of the chemical in maternal serum results in fetal damage needs to be answered. Evaluating if the mother in question has told the whole truth about her drug use is difficult. Given the stigma of substance abuse during pregnancy, lack of disclosure by the mother to her health provider is common because such damaging information could ultimately lead to the separation of mother and child.

Many confounding factors may be recognized, such as the probability of polysubstance use and how this affects single-drug studies. Additionally, the fact that a mother has used an illicit drug (or even a legal substance such as alcohol or tobacco) intertwines with many other factors that can affect a child. Socioeconomic status, support systems, role of the father, lack of prenatal care, and the caregiving ability of the mother all play tremendous roles in child development.

O’Donnell and colleagues measured the birth prevalence of neonatal withdrawal syndrome over time, associated maternal characteristics, and child protection involvement.[1] This retrospective cohort study used linked health and child protection databases for all live births in Western Australia from 1980-2005. Maternal characteristics and mental health-related and assault-related medical history were assessed using logistic regression models. The study showed the birth prevalence of neonatal withdrawal syndrome increased from 0.97 cases per 10,000 live births to a high of 42.2 per 10,000 live births, plateauing after 2002. Mothers with a previous mental health admission, with a low skill level, with Aboriginal status, or who smoked during pregnancy were significantly more likely to have an infant with neonatal withdrawal syndrome. These infants were at greater risk of having substantiated child maltreatment allegation and for entering foster care.

These results show an important pathway into child maltreatment and the need for well-supported programs for women who use illicit drugs during pregnancy and long-term support after birth of the child.

In 2011, the American Academy of Pediatrics published a clinical report detailing the recommended guidelines for the management of neonatal drug withdrawal.[2]


Maternal alterations

Almost all drugs of abuse follow a similar mechanism of action in the adult brain; this mechanism alters the pathways for reward. Through complex neurochemical interactions, various chemicals act to increase dopaminergic pathways from the midbrain ventral tegmental area (VTA) to the nucleus accumbens (NAc) in the striatum. Additionally, the NAc provides a negative feedback loop to the VTA using the inhibitory monoamine gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Blocking such a pathway also attenuates the reward mechanism in the adult brain.

Fetal alterations

Although the full spectrum of physical damage that drugs of abuse can cause cannot be documented, one thing is certain: the effect of maternal drug use on fetal brain development is the most critical and most studied effect. The 2 broad classes of fetal brain insult are as follows:

  1. In the first 20 weeks of gestation, damage can occur during cytogenesis and cell migration.
  2. In the second half of gestation, damage can occur during brain growth and differentiation.

Continuous abuse, especially during the first half of gestation, is likely to disrupt the complicated neural wiring and associative connections that allow the developing brain to learn and mature. Most drugs of abuse freely cross the placental barrier; however, damage to the fetus also can occur via indirect methods. In particular, the vasoconstrictive properties of cocaine have been discussed as a potential cause for the delivery of growth-retarded infants.



United States

The definitions of maternal drug abuse and newborn withdrawal syndrome have been difficult to standardize (see Background). Therefore, documented disease prevalence varies tremendously. The prevalence of prenatally exposed newborns to one or more illicit drugs averages approximately 5.5%, with a range of 1.3-50%. Variations depend on the geographical detail (eg, local vs state) as well as the method of testing (eg, maternal history, urine testing, meconium testing, a combination of these tests).

In 1998, Lester reported that the Maternal Lifestyles Study (MLS), a multicenter clinical study, evaluated the effects of fetal exposure to opiates, cocaine, or both in the United States.[3] The overall exposure rate was 10%. Of these pregnancies, the rate of perinatal morbidity was higher than the nonexposed group but was less than 5% overall. Prematurity, lower growth parameters, compromised cognitive ability, and neurological symptoms were barely significant compared with nonexposed newborns.

The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA) reported that, from 1996-1998, 14.8% of pregnant women consumed alcohol.[4] During that same period, 2.8% of the surveyed women were reported to have used an illicit substance. Of those using illicit substances, two thirds were using marijuana, and one tenth were using cocaine.

Recent studies have shown an increase in the incidence of neonatal abstinence syndrome between 2000 and 2009, from 1.20 cases to 3.39 cases per 1000 hospital births per year. As well, the cost of treating an infant with neonatal abstinence syndrome increased from an estimated average of $39,400 in 2000 to $53,400 in 2009.[5]


Perinatal drug abuse and neonatal drug withdrawal is probably a recognized problem in neonatal and postnatal care in every country in the world.


Neonatal withdrawal syndrome occurs in 60% of all fetuses exposed to drugs. Withdrawal syndromes for heroin, codeine, methadone, and meperidine have been extensively described. As more psychotropic medications are prescribed, more withdrawal syndromes are described. Heroin, cocaine, and amphetamine withdrawal usually occurs within the first 48 hours of life; however, a syndrome associated with intrauterine cocaine use has not been well defined. Methadone withdrawal can occur up to 2 weeks after birth but most likely occurs within the first 96 hours after birth. The syndrome is typically an autonomic multisystemic reaction, the symptoms of which are mostly neurological and may be prolonged.

Alcohol is the only drug of abuse that is well associated with other teratogenic effects. The classic triad of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) consists of growth retardation, physical anomalies (with characteristic facies), and CNS dysfunction. The risk of delivering child with FAS increases with gravidity in mothers with alcoholism. Milder forms of FAS have also been described, representing a dose-dependent version of the entire syndrome. More severe aspects are associated with first trimester use of alcohol, especially in those women with a poor diet. At this time, a safe level of alcohol use during pregnancy is not known; therefore, the amount of alcohol that can be consumed without resulting in any part of the FAS spectrum is unknown.

Poor feeding is a common issue with withdrawing infants. Increasing evidence suggests that neurological alterations occur during withdrawal that prevent normal autonomic functions. Newborns, in particular, depend on their reflexive suck and swallow abilities, which may be significantly affected by intrauterine drug exposure. As such, poor feeding alone can start a cascade of other diagnoses.


The difficulty in assessing drug use confounds research into racial differences. Overall, cocaine use is higher among black women (5% of all black women) than white women (2% of all white women). Prevalence rates are lower among Asian and Pacific Islander women. The use of amphetamines, opioids, and cannabinoids appears to be equal between black and white women.


By definition, perinatal drug abuse is a disease exclusively of pregnant women; however, several interesting epidemiological patterns emerge among mothers who abuse substances. These patterns include the following:


Little data on the age stratification of substance abusing mothers are available. Research has focused on the adolescent mother. In particular, a link between adolescent pregnancy and substance use may be present.

If teenage pregnancy is believed to be a high-risk condition, then those individuals may be prone to other high-risk behaviors. Evidence does support a clustering of teen pregnancy with substance abuse, most notably abuse of cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana. However, the statement that most pregnant and parenting teenagers abuse substances is a gross oversimplification. The literature supports that most pregnant teenagers do not use substances. Among those teenagers who do use substances, the amount used is far lower than the amount used by adult users who are pregnant.


Pregnancy actually offers an excellent opportunity for a mother to seek help and to change her life to protect another. However, given the large numbers of mothers who abuse drugs and whose use goes undetected by their obstetricians and pediatricians, the history-taking practice in prenatal settings must change if this part of the medical evaluation is to be useful.

Previous attempts at universal toxicology screens for women who are pregnant typically have uncovered one half of all women who abuse drugs. Urine toxicology in combination with a well-performed history is likely to have synergistic results in discovering mothers who abuse substances.

All too often, the wish to perform an efficient prenatal screening consists solely of asking whether the woman who is pregnant uses drugs. Such questioning carries such stigma and lack of empathy that it is likely to prevent a mother-to-be from admitting her habit of substance abuse. Questioning should be nonjudgmental (ie, ask in a neutral tone of voice), specific (ie, ask about each potential drug of abuse starting with the least innocuous to the most), and asked in succession with the other standard screening inquiries (eg, general medical condition, diet).

Although several perinatal complications have been thought to be highly associated with in utero drug use, none are pathognomonic. Multiple studies have reported an association of maternal cocaine and tobacco use and placental abruption.

Methadone is perhaps the most commonly seen medication in the withdrawing infant. Clinicians can be somewhat prepared to care for these infants because such information is made available during the prenatal visit. In assessing the history of the maternal methadone dose, one must consider a great deal of conflicting data concerning the predictability of withdrawal severity with maternal methadone concentrations. Whether the relationship between maternal methadone dose and severity of neonatal withdrawal is linear remains a subject of debate.[9, 10, 11, 12, 13] One study noted that infants who were conceived while the mother was on methadone had better drug treatment outcomes for withdrawal compared with infants who were only exposed in the third trimester.[14] Withdrawal severity was similar for both groups.

Buprenorphine has become a rapidly popular withdrawal treatment medication for pregnant women.[15, 16, 17, 18] As a partial opiate agonist, it has a ceiling effect in pleasurable effects and has shown increased compliance while also demonstrating lower transference through the placenta compared with methadone due to its greater molecular weight. As well, when compared with methadone use in utero to treat opioid dependence in the mother, buprenorphine use resulted in fewer infants requiring withdrawal treatment. In addition, of infants who did require treatment, those exposed to buprenorphine spent fewer days in the hospital compared with those exposed to methadone.[19]


Severity of newborn withdrawal from substances depends on the drugs and the frequency of use by the mother during pregnancy.


Through multiple mechanisms, all drugs of abuse can cause molecular and cellular changes that ultimately lead to changes in neural migration, cell structure, neurotransmitter dynamics, and overall brain formation. These alterations are likely associated with a whole range of behavioral and cognitive changes. Maternal polydrug use is likely to be far more damaging than use of any single drug.

Laboratory Studies

The following studies are indicated when assessing perinatal drug abuse and neonatal drug withdrawal:

Other Tests

In 1986, Finnegan et al created the Neonatal Abstinence Scoring System, which provides an objective measure of a newborn's symptom severity (see image below).[26]

View Image

Neonatal abstinence scoring form.

This system is currently used as a diagnostic tool and as a monitor for the response of a newborn with withdrawal to pharmacotherapy.

Medical Care

Perhaps the most important aspect of medical care for the potentially withdrawing infant should be that all nurseries caring for such infants develop a care protocol addressing screening and treatment. Such plans minimize care variance and have the potential to prevent unnecessary withdrawal from occurring.[2]

The following may be included in the medical treatment of perinatal drug abuse and neonatal drug withdrawal:


The following consultations may be indicated:


The following may be indicated:


The child's comfort is paramount. Being a newborn is extremely stressful in the first few weeks of life because every external stimulus is entirely new to the infant. Add the stress of the internal stimuli from drug withdrawal, and the usefulness of environmental control can be understood. With this in mind, consider that 40% of all withdrawing newborns can be treated symptomatically (without medication). Specific methods include the following:

Medication Summary

Opiate substitutes and phenobarbital are the mainstays of treatment. Other sedatives such as diazepam have not been shown to be effective. Many studies have compared opiates with phenobarbital alone. In general, opiates have been most effective. However, considerable data have shown that a combination treatment of opiates and phenobarbital significantly decreases hospital stay and decreases withdrawal severity. The drawback is that total duration of treatment (mostly as an outpatient on phenobarbital) is increased.

Opium tincture

Clinical Context:  Use a 1:25 dilution. When ordering such a medication, be sure to emphasize that a dilute solution of the deodorized tincture is needed in a 1:25 ratio. Without this emphasis, the pharmacy may deliver undiluted DTO (used for adults) or the camphorated tincture of opium (Paregoric), which contains 45% alcohol, camphor, anise oil, and benzoic acid.


Clinical Context:  Increasing data shows that, although this is similar in effect to DTO, it may be a safer alternative because the morphine elixir avoids the effects of alcohol extracts in DTO. Morphine elixir may allow for better weight gain compared with DTO, as well.

Class Summary

These are the treatment of choice for neonates known to be at risk of withdrawal from opiates. Morphine elixir is gaining more support over deodorized tincture of opium as the treatment of choice for a primarily opioid withdrawal syndrome.

Phenobarbital (Luminal)

Clinical Context:  Interferes with transmission of impulses from thalamus to cortex of brain. Used as a sedative. As above, this is perhaps best used in combination with an opiate analog in reducing withdrawal severity.

Class Summary

Although barbiturates also are available for neonatal withdrawal syndrome, their optimal use is limited to several clinical situations, including the following:

1. The newborn with a nonopiate withdrawal

2. The newborn with a known polydrug withdrawal

3. The newborn with abstinence-related seizures

4. The newborn who has already received the maximum safe level of deodorized tincture of opium (DTO)

Further Outpatient Care

The following is indicated as part of further outpatient care in perinatal drug abuse and neonatal drug withdrawal:

Inpatient & Outpatient Medications

Administer paregoric and phenobarbital for withdrawal of opiates and barbiturates, respectively (see Medication).


Perinatal complications include the following:

Prematurity is accompanied by a host of medical complications including asphyxia, neonatorum, intracranial hemorrhage, respiratory distress syndrome, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, septicemia, and hyperbilirubinemia.

Although gross generalizations, the following growth characteristics may occur as a result of exposure to drugs:


Growth deficiency

Children with prenatal nicotine exposure exhibit appropriate catch-up growth but are known to have smaller lungs and, possibly, decreased ventilatory drive in response to carbon dioxide.

Children with prenatal amphetamine and cocaine exposure exhibit catch-up growth within 2 years of life.

Children with prenatal opiate exposure typically do not exhibit changes in growth parameters.

Infants exposed to buprenorphine have not exhibited significant differences in growth parameters compared to infants who have not been exposed.

Cognitive and developmental defects

Infants exposed to nicotine tend to score higher on auditory habituation but lower on the orientation cluster of the Brazelton Newborn Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS).

Infants exposed to alcohol may develop mental retardation, which is one of the hallmarks of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). An apparent dose-dependent relationship is present, and FAS now accounts for approximately 33% of all mental retardation. Milder cognitive effects include prolonged language delays and sleep dysfunction. Newborns exposed to alcohol also tend to be hypotonic.

Infants exposed to cocaine may exhibit fetal brain malformation resulting from changes in the homeostatic neurochemistry. Serious debate surrounds the actual deleterious effects of in utero cocaine exposure. Consequences previously described include altered behavior on NBAS scores (eg, poor state regulation, decreases in alertness and orientation, abnormal reflexes, tone and motor maturity), increased tone (described as hypertonic tetraparesis), electroencephalogram (EEG) changes, abnormal auditory brainstem responses, and prolonged behavioral and language delays. However, data are inconsistent to prove that cocaine is solely responsible for these problems. Prenatal cocaine exposure can negatively affect the overall quality of maternal-child interaction during early childhood.[35] Research on this topic has been difficult, as confounding variables (eg, postnatal psychosocial issues, polydrug use in pregnancy) are difficult to control.

Prior conventional wisdom dictated that neurological morbidity was associated with cumulative postnatal risks preventing proper development. Recent prospective studies have shown no direct effect of cocaine exposure on development at age 3 years after correcting for race, parity, and socioeconomic status. However, data have also shown that infants exposed to cocaine may require more educational services than infants who are not exposed.[36, 37] The effect was magnified if the infants also had low birth weight or if they had low intelligence quotient (IQ).

A follow-up to the Maternal Lifestyle Study has shown that high exposure to cocaine, particularly with other drugs, is associated with behavioral issues in adolescence. However, protective factors such as beneficial bonding, community and family support, as well as stable home structure can attenuate the intensity of these behavioral issues.[38]

Infants exposed to opioids may have increased overall activity on NBAS testing. They tend to have difficulty being consoled. These infants also have been shown to have an early learning difficulty.[37]

Infants exposed in utero to methadone have been shown to have altered visual-evoked potentials, inferring a need for earlier visual assessments.[39]

Treatment length

Although length of treatment cannot always be correlated as a dose-dependent relationship with maternal use, recent data have suggested that, in mothers using high doses of methadone, for every daily dosage increase of 5.5 mg, an extra day in length of treatment time was added. Gestational age was not seen as significant.[40] However, recent data have also shown that infants born to mothers using methadone had increased length of treatment when concomitant benzodiazepine use or increased gestational age were associated. These findings were noted even when controlling for maternal methadone dose, concomitant use of tobacco or antidepressants, and trimester timing of initial dose.[41]

Several studies have compared the withdrawal effects of buprenorphine exposure with that of methadone exposure. In most cases, buprenorphine exposure was associated with decreased overall neonatal withdrawal treatment time and lower neonatal length of stay. Data on whether infants exposed to buprenorphine were more likely to require withdrawal treatment compared with infants exposed to methadone are conflicting.[42, 18, 17]

Patient Education

Government programs are available to help the prevention of perinatal drug use. Many have published documents that address support for pregnant women who abuse substances, addiction prevention, and treatment programs and guidelines for clinicians managing patients who abuse substances. These publications are available to primary care physicians and obstetricians and can be ordered free of charge from the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Information (NCADI) by telephone (800-729-6686 or 301-468-2600 or TDD for hearing impaired at 800-487-4889) and on the Internet.

The following Internet sites provide guidelines for providers:

For excellent patient education resources, visit eMedicineHealth's Mental Health Center. Also, see eMedicineHealth's patient education articles Barbiturate Abuse and Drug Dependence and Abuse, Narcotic Abuse, and Substance Abuse.


Marvin Wang, MD, Clinical Instructor, Department of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School; Co-director of Newborn Nurseries, Attending Physician, Department of Pediatrics, Massachusetts General Hospital,

Disclosure: Received research grant from: New England Pediatric Device Consortium.

Specialty Editors

Mary L Windle, PharmD, Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Pharmacy; Editor-in-Chief, Medscape Drug Reference

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Brian S Carter, MD, FAAP, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine; Attending Physician, Division of Neonatology, Children's Mercy Hospital and Clinics; Faculty, Children's Mercy Bioethics Center

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Chief Editor

Ted Rosenkrantz, MD, Professor, Departments of Pediatrics and Obstetrics/Gynecology, Division of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, University of Connecticut School of Medicine

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Additional Contributors

David N Sheftel, MD, MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.


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Neonatal abstinence scoring form.

Neonatal abstinence scoring form.